__ For this seminar we are gathering together researchers in the Department of Design at Linnaeus University, and the school of Art, Design & Architecture, University of Plymouth, to discuss the emerging fields of ontological cinema and design and share practices. The workshop will be grounded through a discussion of Elaine Gan's work, the participants own practices and three films that engage with worldbuilding in ways that ask us to rethink the relationships between humans and nonhumans. We will consider--what is the field of ontological design and cinema and how does it shape the relations between human beings and lifeworlds? How are artists and designers shaping stories of multispecies struggles and worldbuilding through film and experience? Together we will reflect on what decolonial forms of environmental solidarity might be for artists and designers. 

What is ontology… how its used within your practices of research , how is it operationalised 
Does it resonate and if not 
What happens to voice, history, technology 
-Also, we could make space for when people introduce their practices, and/or engage in the discussion generally, that this could be done through forms of sketching, mapping, etc. This then opens to the discussion itself to other forms of storying. 

How are each of those represented.. who has voice… almost no human voice…. 
Swam season 
Landscape as the main protagonist… change past present future….. 

**Ontological cinema, how do they see ontological art practices in relation to their own multispecies practices. 
-Orientation towards possible worlds, when we haven't figured out this one yet. 
-Thinking through rice and the Green Revolution, no one plants without some expectation of growth
-Maximize yield so that no one goes hungry, although it has lead more people to go hungry
-What to bring to the ontos-ontological framework? What does this offer/bring?
-Bound to modes of speculation for other modes, more-than-human listening and other forms of attention. 

-What happens to voice, to history, to landscape, who has voice, who is represented, etc. 
-Behemoth, little to no voice at all. 
-Landscape as the main protagnostist. 
-Are they speculative films? For the landscape to be the protagonist 

what does ontology do in your work, how is is present in your work -- how do you understand ontology?

Where does the realm of ontology leave us — how do we make sure it doesn’t leave us in a transhistorical background… 
How does it relate to these historical materialism of the now and the past -  a design that is removed from its history.. 

Where is the collective in the onto turn? How to think through that.. 

How do we practice modes of listening

how do participants think about stability and process, "fragile but not fleeting", relations that are always in process?

How can the work circulate outside the academy? 

damage vs. flourishing , what does it mean to start with damage rather than flourishing, or work with ensembles which are toxic, damaging, but not to linger in damage ?

we need to listen.. solidarity.. what does it mean to be accompliss .. shift from that the solution is having the answer.. 
accomplices not allies: https://www.indigenousaction.org/accomplices-not-allies-abolishing-the-ally-industrial-complex/


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